Soft Tissue Therapy
Have you ever wished that you could have a gentle sports massage that focussed on your muscle pain but also left you feeling relaxed?
Have you had a C-Section, Hysterectomy, Prolapse repair or other procedure resulting in abdominal scarring that’s causing pain in your body?
If so, then I offer a number of Soft Tissue Therapies to help you…
Soft Tissue Massage.
Soft Tissue massage can help if you sit at a desk a lot and have a niggly lower back, struggle to do up your bra due to shoulder mobility issues or just need to destress and relax on a regular basis.
Abdominal Scar Release.
If you have had abdominal surgery for C-Section, Hysterectomy, Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP), or numerous other procedures that have left you with a scar this offering is for you.
Soft Tissue Massage
Soft Tissue Therapy is more than a massage. It’s a whole-body approach that works with your muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments, nerves, connective tissue and more.
Using a number of different techniques, one of which is massage, I help treat and alleviate musculoskeletal pain, sporting and non-sporting injuries, chronic and acute tension, as well as improving overall body flexibility and strength, restoring muscle tone, symmetry and balance.
I use a variety of techniques including effleurage, petrissage, STR (Soft Tissue Release), PIR (post isometric relaxation) and MFR (myofascial release) to ensure you get the best of both types of hands-on treatment.
While injuries that benefit from Soft Tissue Therapy often occur from sports and accidents, many clients need help with problems caused by their job, posture, childbirth, surgery or other stressors in life.
All these treatments are effective without being brutal!
Massage is also the ultimate in self-care. Booking a regular session supports you in caring for your mind, body and spirit.
Just like Personal Training, bodywork sessions are tailored specifically to your own needs and therefore before we start we will go through a detailed pre-screen to assess your requirements. I will find out what you want to achieve from our sessions and recommend a personalised plan which may also include mobility and strengthening exercises to do at home to complement the treatments.
Pregnant Clients. Please get in touch to discuss your massage needs.
Covid-19. Please wait at least 48 hours after a vaccination or booster jab before having a massage.
Booking Details.
30 Minute Back, Legs or Head & Shoulders Massage: £40
50 Minute Massage Treatment: £60
1 Hour, 25 Minute Massage Treatment: £90
The Nourish Package (Includes Massage and Facial for 90 minutes): £100
3 x 50 Minute Massage Treatments: £162 paid in installments
5 x 50 Minute Massage Treatments: £260 paid in installments
1 x 50 Minute Massage Treatment per Month (6 Months): £50 p/m
1 x 50 Minute Massage Treatment per Month (12 Months): £48 p/m
Abdominal Scar Release
Because scars can look nice and neat on the surface, we don’t consider the irregularly patched layers underneath that form scar tissue, strengthening the vulnerable area, but also exerting a three-dimensional pull inside your body. This scar tissue becomes an internal adhesion that can bind together formerly separate structures in your body and can reach far away from the site of the scar.
After surgery, scar releases through massage and mobilisation techniques can continue to restore the incision area and the layers beneath for optimum recovery and function.
All scars need this type of treatment to reduce the risk of adhesions building up and causing long term concerns.
Abdominal Scar Release treatment is recommended from as early as 6 weeks post-operation, as long as the area is healed and there are no scabs, open areas, or signs of infection.
If you have areas on your scar that are thickened, look darker, or are pitting (pulling down from the scar into your tummy, sometimes giving ladies an appearance of an overhang), then Abdominal Scar Release is the ideal treatment for you. If you are experiencing nagging pain or discomfort, that you hadn’t before you had your operation, then this treatment is also great to have.
Daily life can lead to non-surgical adhesions too. Repetitive movement or repetitive stress (think of sitting at your desk all day without much movement, or repeatedly lifting and moving heavy loads) and dehydration (even mild, chronic dehydration) can result in non-surgical scaring.
Abdominal Scar Release treatment is recommended for two or three sessions initially, and then we can be guided by the results, to when you will benefit from returning for further sessions. As our body remodels tissue as long as we live, and these pulls, restrictions and sensations forever change throughout our lifetime, you will always benefit from scar work.
Maintenance sessions on your scar are ideal and are dependant on when you would like to come, to ensure a pain free, mobile and happy body!
A 90-minute treatment includes:
- Assessment of your breathing strategy and diaphragm function, like the way you breathe, can help or hinder your recovery
- Abdominal massage to promote blood flow
- Myofascial release to work on the chain reaction that adhesions have on the whole body
- Massage with a special tool to help release the connective tissue in the layers underneath the skin
Manual scar massage and mobilisation - Advice on hydration, nourishment and movement sequences to support healing and enhance your recovery.
In these sessions, I focus on the whole body, not just the scar.
Further sessions will address other areas in your body that have compensated for having an operation, such as your lower back, legs, neck and shoulders and even your feet! An operation of this nature really need to be looked at from a global perspective when treating you, as the issues don’t just lie around the scar area.
Just like Personal Training, bodywork sessions are tailored specifically to your own needs and therefore before we start we will go through a detailed pre-screen to assess your requirements. I will find out what you want to achieve from our sessions and recommend a personalised plan which may also include mobility and strengthening exercises to do at home to complement the treatments.
Pregnant Clients. Unfortunately, I am unable to provide pregnancy massage at this time.
Covid-19. Please wait at least 48 hours after a vaccination or booster jab before having a massage.
Booking Details.
Initial 90 Minute Scar Treatment: £110
60 Minute Follow Up Scar Treatment: £70
3 x 60 Minute Scar Treatments: £180 paid in installments
5 x 60 Minute Scar Treatments: £290 paid in installments