About Noelle Moyler

Hi, I’m Noelle Moyler, a Women’s Wellness Coach based near Chichester in West Sussex. 

So, that’s the job title, but what does it mean? And more importantly, what does it mean for you? Well, in short, I can help you take time every single day to focus on improving your lifestyle, health and nutrition. Many personal trainers, gym instructors, and coaches out there will promise the same. But ask yourself, have they stood in your shoes? Because I have. 

I’m just like you, a woman navigating a busy life. I have a husband, two daughters, a dog and a demanding career; I understand the challenges you face trying to fit everything into your day. There’s also the story of how I got to where I am today, which I know will resonate with many of you. But you’ll need to read on to discover my journey to becoming a Women’s Wellness Coach.

Dedicating time to staying fit and healthy doesn’t have to mean hours in the gym each day. I’ll equip you with the tools and knowledge to help you meet your health and fitness goals in the time that you have available. You’ll be better able to manage symptoms from pelvic dysfunction or those associated with the three stages of menopause. In short, I will help you thrive and feel alive!

Why a Women’s Wellness Coach?

I’m not the first to say this in my industry, but women are not small men! We are different; our bodies are unique and extraordinary. So, it stands to reason that we should not necessarily train or follow the same nutritional advice as our male counterparts. 

Above all, I believe that our expectations of ourselves should be realistic, and that’s why one of the most critical aspects of our work together comes before we even lift a weight, stretch or squat! 

I offer all new clients a pre-screening 15-minute discovery call. After this, if you decide we’re a good fit, I’ll ask you to book a full woman’s health screening session where we go into more detail about your goals.

I will always be honest about what we can achieve together. If I can’t fix your overlying women’s health issues, I will tell you, and even if this is the case, I will be able to help you manage symptoms. 

The other advantage of working with me is that I’ve built a trusted network of contacts within my industry as a women’s wellness coach. If I believe you need advice from other professionals, like specialist Women’s Health Physiotherapists, I can recommend people that I know are experts in their field.

How I got here…

I had my first daughter in 2009. Her birth involved hours of pushing, a spinal block and eventually an episiotomy and forceps delivery. Afterwards, I felt broken. I couldn’t sit and struggled to breastfeed. All of this made me feel like a bad Mum. I also discovered that I leaked when I sneezed, coughed, or exercised. Like most women, I thought this was normal, so I ignored it and carried on with my life. But I also stopped exercising altogether.

In 2012, after the birth of my second daughter, I eventually started searching for help to resolve the physical issues I was experiencing. It was challenging to find support locally in West Sussex, and by the time I did find help, I was utterly frustrated. It had been a long journey to find the correct information and support I needed.

So, as you can see, it was a very personal experience that inspired me to retrain as a Women’s Wellness Coach. I have undertaken specialist training to ensure my knowledge goes much deeper than anything that was available to me when it comes to supporting women’s wellness.

Now I am 50 and in the Peri-Menopause phase of my life, through further education, I am not only taking positive steps to tackle my symptoms, I also work to support women going through the peri to post-menopause period, so, they too have a Marvellous Menopause.

My qualifications…

  • 3rd Age, Peri to Post Menopause – Burrell Education (Menopause)
  • MenoStrength – Burrell Education (Menopause)
  • Level 3 Soft Tissue Massage Therapy
  • C-Section, Hysterectomy and Abdominal Scar Immersion
  • Holistic Core Restore® Coach (Pelvic Floor and Core Fitness Programmes)
  • Pelvic Floor and Core Foundations – Burrell Education (Pelvic Floor and Core Rehab)
  • MUTU System Certification (Pre and Post Natal Pelvic Floor and Core Programme)
  • Level 3 Personal Training
  • Level 3 Nutrition and Weight Management
  • Level 3 Pre and Postnatal Exercise Specialist

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