Pregnant or recently Post Natal?
These are the Holistic Core Restore® courses I currently offer that can support you through the changes that having a baby can bring to your body helping make sure they are positive and transformative.
Diastasis Recti Healing Programme.
If you’ve had a baby, no matter how long ago and you have a Diastasis Recti or feel disconnected to your Core and/or Pelvic Floor then our Diastasis Healing is the programme you’ve been waiting for.
Healing a Diastasis Recti is a WHOLE BODY ISSUE, it’s not just about exercise, it’s not just about the woman’s belly and it’s not just about the gap! A deep assessment is required to start with then a programme that focuses on nutrition for healing, the woman’s breathing strategy and postural alignment, all need to be considered BEFORE we apply exercise and load. And our programme has been tried and tested by thousands of women and received rave reviews and rave RESULTS.
In Holistic Core Restore® our role is to deeply guide you in a process that will improve the way your belly looks, feels and works, rid yourself of back pain, reconnect to your Pelvic Floor so that you both FEEL and FUNCTION better. Overall, we’re in the business of ‘bringing you back home to your body’!
Who is this programme for?
This programme is dedicated to helping you understand what’s happened. Knowing the Why’s and What’s matter A LOT!
This programme will help you connect the dots between your breathing, posture and possible back pain and Pelvic Floor dysfunction. I also include massage and other soft-tissue therapy – no generic prescription here – every programme is based on a 1-1 consultation followed by a prescription for what is best for you.
The programme starts by getting the basics of posture and alignment improved including soft-tissue work/remedial massage and to bring balance to your entire body. It’s a multi-phase programme where the exercises are progressed. I am with you all of the way, ensuring your progress towards your goal and also that your route to success is adjusted as required. This programme is NOT ONE SIZE FITS ALL! You’re provided with all the exercise kit you need plus our UNIQUE Client Education Booklet to help you really understand the process and the facts about Diastasis Recti.
The programme has a strong focus on HEALING NUTRITION TOO! 100%. We heal from the INSIDE OUT! And I have simple but highly effective strategies for helping you get the specific nutrients required to heal your Diastasis into your diet easily and without fuss.
We employ ‘CAN DO’ strategies for helping you REST and DE-STRESS. The high cortisol levels associated with the Post Natal period also retard healing and cause you to hold fat around your middle. This programme helps you to help yourself to not only a better-looking belly but one that FUNCTIONS and supports your Pelvic, Core and overall health.
Booking Details.
6 Week Programme | £360
Available in instalment payments
- 90-minute initial screen and consultation
- 5 x 60-minute programme progression sessions including massage therapy
- In-between sessions email contact
- Basic rehab exercise kit
- Client education booklet
C-section Recovery Programme.
C-Section Recovery is challenging for many women and a deeper approach is required to ensure that their recovery is truly an inside-out affair. Just like the Diastasis Recti client, there needs to be a deep assessment of the woman’s core strength and connection and then a programme involving hands-on massage therapies, nutrition, scar tissue release, postural re-alignment work before we finally get to the ‘core restoring’ exercise part of the puzzle. C-Section moms simply need more help and the HCR® Coaches are deeply trained to assist you in your deep recovery and return to awesome, fully functional abdominals.
No matter how long ago you experienced a C-Section type incision and for whatever reason, if you are experiencing discomfort, the C-Section Recovery Programme will probably give you the freedom and better-looking tummy, that you thought wasn’t possible ever again.
In the UK nearly 1/4 of births are via C-Section and many more women experience the procedure throughout their lives for other gynaecological procedures yet there is no real guidance on how to heal successfully from such a major procedure and successfully reconnect to the core never mind deal with the soft-tissue issues (adhesions and scar tissue) that arise from these types of procedures.
And thanks to the continual rise in gynaecological conditions that require entry to the Pelvic Cavity via the C-Section procedure and the rise in Hysterectomy for the menopausal woman, the need for a holistic programme that addresses the need for a growing and sizeable portion of any countries female population is way overdue.
And with not a sit-up in-sight, this is all about healing INSIDE OUT and smart, modern movement programming to get your Core ‘fit’ and functioning again! The emphasis is squarely on these fundamental pillars that help us to create a BESPOKE programme for you! No one-size fits all here!
Who is this programme for?
- Do you feel disconnect to your tummy and Pelvic Floor since your C-Section?
- Do you have a painful or uncomfortable C-Section scar that you want to free?
- Does your scar hurt after any lifting or an exercise session?
- Have you noticed a change in your bowel movements since your C-Section?
- Are you a woman who wants to know more about her Pelvic Floor, Core and overall health?
- Have you experienced the odd leak when jumping, running, laughing or sneezing and know that that’s a sign that you need to take control of your Pelvic Health?
- Do you have ‘lower back pain’ issues that you’ve been told is due to a ‘weak Core’?
- Do you want a better looking belly but know it’s an inside out job so need to go deeper and work smarter than just doing ‘sit-ups’?
If you’ve answered YES to the above questions, THIS PROGRAMME IS MOST LIKELY FOR YOU!
This offering is ALWAYS utterly bespoke to you and I completely tailor my advice to your needs and ‘meet you EXACTLY where you are now’.
The offering includes Soft Tissue Therapy (Massage) as an adjunct to movement prescription and guidance on easy nutrition to support your recovery.
Because educating women is my priority, you’ll also receive a ‘Client Education Booklet’ and suggestions for homework and self-care to further improve upon your time with me AND YOUR RESULTS.
For the ‘exercise’ portion of this programme, there may also be access to an ONLINE PORTAL or I will create a BESPOKE programme for you from scratch.
Either way, you’ll be massively supported on what you need to do and when to get the best results possible.
Booking Details.
6 Week Programme | £360
Available in instalment payments
- 90-minute initial screen and consultation
- 5 x 60-minute programme progression sessions including massage therapy
- In-between sessions email contact
- Basic rehab exercise kit
- Client education booklet
Rel-ease Programme.
Forget ‘stretching’, let’s RELEASE, RELAX, UNWIND AND RE-ALIGN! Let’s change the narrative about what we need do to as busy women, living in a hectic work to feel good in our skins on a daily basis.
Introducing HCR Rel-ease! This programme will change FOREVER how you feel about ‘stretching’ and taking time out, ALONE for you own mind, body, soul and spirit!
Aches, pains and changes to one’s posture as we travel through life are pretty standard for most women and many simply ‘put up’ with muscular aches and a loss of freedom of movement when there are both simple and delicious solutions easily available to us.
Who is this programme for?
Our dearest hope is that Holistic Core Restore ® ‘Release’ will become an ESSENTIAL part of any woman’s self-care toolbox and an ultimate act of ‘self-compassion’ as she STOPS, DROPS AND JUST LETS IT ALL GO!
This offering includes simple ways to ‘release’ muscular tension that draw on self-massage, myofascial movement, Yoga and Pilates traditions.
This programme also involves simple meditation strategies and ESSENTIAL Pelvic Floor and nervous system soothing, we all know, is just as important as ‘doing the work’.
Booking Details.
Rel-Ease is only available as part of The Blueberry Wellness Hub.
The Hub is £37 Per month
4 x Weekly Live Workout a week.
Access to over 300 Pre-recorded Workouts;
- An amazing and growing library of HIIT, Strength and Mobilisation videos to do at home. Workouts range from 10 – 40 minutes.
- They are a mixture of bodyweight and some with equipment or items you can use from around the home.
- I’ll also be throwing in some surprises!
A collection of healthy and delicious recipes from Breakfast through to Pudding.
Masterclasses including movement techniques, the importance of the breath, posture and alignment and setting health goals.
Access to a WhatsApp Group will provide additional tips, regular Q&As, a workout planner and mini fitness and nutrition challenges.
What about the other Holistic Core Restore® courses?
I am not currently offering the following HCR® Courses;
Bump - For those who are pregnant and preparing for birth
4th Trimester - Supports women who towards the end of their pregnancy and through the first post-natal stages
Heavy - If you want to increase your strength
If you are interested in taking one of these courses please select the course you are interested in below, add your name to the waiting list and I will get in touch as soon as I plan to run that programme.
Join the Waiting List!
Add your details below and I will get in touch as soon as details of the next BUMP course are released.
Join the Waiting List!
Add your details below and I will get in touch as soon as details of the next 4th Trimester course are released.
Join the Waiting List!
Add your details below and I will get in touch as soon as details of the next HEAVY course are released.